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What our customers are saying

"We've been quite impressed with the build quality and design of everything. The suitcase works great. I'm used to living in fear of dropping samples in UHV but the design of the suitcase, manipulators and sample storage make moving samples around fairly low stress. We are very satisfied customers."
J. Brandon McClimon, Carpick Lab, University of Pennsylvania

"Last time we ordered from Ferrovac, we were positively impressed with the quality of your products. I do believe your products are among the best on the market."
Alexei Preobrajenski, Lund University, MAX IV Laboratory

"I will keep you in mind for any future purchases, given the unmatched quality of your products"
Dr. B. Doyle, University of Johannesburg

"I would like to let you know that we installed the WMG40-0215-0182-PGWMSN(OM)-TSWM on our chamber a few weeks ago. We truly appreciate the support from you and the Ferrovac engineers in this order."
H. Tsai, University of California, Berkeley

"Your hardware works very well, the wobblestick is exceptional, and even more importantly, you have given us good customer care."
M. Valvidares, ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona

"We ordered a custom-based ambient pressure XPS endstation from Ferrovac to study solid-liquid interfaces. Ferrovac did an excellent job both in terms of engineering and assembly and delivered the product on time. This endstation is very productive from the very first day it was connected to the synchrotron at the Swiss Light Source."

Z. Novotny, Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institute/University of Zuerich
See more: SLAPXPS


Below is a list of a few of our many customers who are successfully using our products and services


Argonne National Laboratory

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Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Diamond Light Source Ltd

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Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste

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Reference Project: ULTRASPIN   Read more


ULTRASPIN :: ULTRAfast spectroscopy with SPIN polarization

ULTRASPIN is an experimental station dedicated to ultrafast spin polarization dynamics from nanostructured-solids and surfaces with capability of:

  • measuring the spin polarization (SP) of the photoelectron yield as excited by individual Free Electron Laser
  • radiation pulses by means of a vectorial mott detector, as a function of applied magnetic and electric fields
  • preparing and characterizing thin films and single crystals
  • performing experiments vs. temperature and angle


EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

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ESRF - The European Synchrotron

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ETHZ- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)

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HZB - Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

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Reference Projects: NMAG-PS   Read more

UHV Preparation System with Docking Station

A fully featured UHV sample preparation system, BESSY-NMAG-PS is tailored for the SPEEM of beamline UE49.

The PEEM-PS includes all sample exchange and sample manipulation devices needed to transfer and store the Elmitec type sampleholders. It is equipped with a fast entry loadlock system and an interchange chamber which directly connects to the preparation station of the PEEM. A vertical Omniax manipulator with heating and cooling option is provided.

The UHV system is designed for a guaranteed base pressure in the 10E-11mbar range. It allows for the installation of standard surface science tools such as LEED, Auger, evaporators, thickness monitor, ion sputtering gun, mass spectrometer and many more.


LIST -  Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

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Reference Projects: SPESIMS   Read more

SPESIMS :: Scanning Probe Extension Module for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer

The Centre de la Recherche Publique Gabriel Lippmann (now LIST) and the University of Basel in collaboration with Ferrovac, Specs Zurich and Cameca developed a high-precision sample stage with an integrated SPM (Scanning Probe Microscopy) system dedicated to the Cameca NanoSIMS.

With this unique tool, an in-situ combination of sequential high resolution Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and high sensitivity SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy) becomes possible. In addition to being able to combine SIMS images with valuable AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) and KPFM (Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy) data recorded in-situ in order to provide an extended picture of the sample under study, this extremely powerful analytical tool allows for real high-sensitivity high-resolution chemical 3D reconstructions by recording topographical images of the sample surface in-situ before, in between and after SIMS analysis.


Detailed information about the instrument can be found in the following two articles:

[1] Design and performance of a combined secondary ion mass spectrometry-scanning probe microscopy instrument for high sensitivity and high-resolution elemental three-dimensional analysis
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 063702 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4724308

[2] Three dimensional imaging using secondary ion mass spectrometry and atomic force microscopy
Applied Surface Science 258 (2011) 1322–1327


Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

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Reference Project: VSN40S   Read more


VSN40S :: UHV Suitcases

The Nanoscale Science Department of the MPI incorporated NexGeneration UHV Suitcases into it's experimental setup early on.
The NexGeneration UHV-suitcases are used for transfer of samples prepared by electrospray ion beam deposition (ES-IBD) from the main vacuum system to other spezialized UHV based instruments.


NSRRC - National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

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Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)

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Reference Projects: PCPLS / HOENCOL


Princeton University, Department of Physics

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RHK Technology

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Reference Projects: PanScan Freedom   Read more



PanScan Freedom


Featuring a WMG40 Wobblestick with long version PGWMSL(OM) pincer for sample and probe handling, the PanScan Freedom is an innovative new closed-cycle cryogen-free LT STM system for stable low temperature performance, unprecedented low drift, exceptional spectroscopy performance, and atomic resolution in a compact, simple, and affordable package. PanScan Freedom system features 15 K to 400 K operation, now with an option for 9K, without the expense and frustration of using liquid cryogens.

Click here for more information, including an intriguing video showing the PanScan Freedom's functions and features.



Scienta Omicron GmbH

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Reference Projects: FZ Juelich Cluster   Read more

FZ Juelich Cluster

Featuring a plethora of Ferrovac Manipulators for transfer within and between it's chambers, this 4“ multi-module cluster tool was realized and installed by Scienta Omicron at the HNF (Helmholtz Nanofabrication Facility) in the FZ Juelich (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany). It consists of several MBE (Metal, III-V) and UHV sputter deposition chambers interconnected by a combination of linear transfer lines and central distribution chambers equipped with a telescopic transfer arm. Vacuum connection is also realized to an ALD deposition tool (FlexAL) via a buffer/sample-flip chamber.


Synchrotron SOLEIL

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Reference Project: IRMA2   Read more

IRMA2 :: Instrument pour la Réflectivité MAgnetique

IRMA2 is a UHV-soft X-ray reflectometer for studies on thin surface layers.

This UHV set-up is dedicated to elastic and coherent resonant scattering
experiments with polarized soft x-rays, focusing on magnetic materials,
nano-objects and thin layers.

Developed by Synchrotron SOLEIL Paris, designed and built by Ferrovac, it's operational at the SEXTANTS beamline.

Detailed information can be found here:
M Sacchi et al 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 425 202009

M Sacchi, H Popescu, R Gaudemer, N Jaouen, A Avila, R Delaunay, F Fortuna, U Maier and C Spezzani

View online:



SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH


UC San Diego

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Reference Project: Sample Handling System for Cryogenic SNOM   Read more

Sample Handling System for Cryogenic SNOM :: UC San Diego

link?An all-round sample handling and storage solution, developed in close collaboration between the engineering department of Ferrovac and Alexander S. McLeod and Michael Goldflam of the Department of Physics at UC San Diego.

Once fully assembled and operative, the first results and feedback were altogether positive:

"Behold, [...] an infrared image now from our microscope, showing conductive metallic regions percolating during a metal-insulator transition in an oxide film at ~160K. Suffice to say we are happy everything is working for us now with the RECOMECs, load-lock and wobblestick, this hardware is enhancing our productivity quite a lot!"
- A. McLeod, UC San Diego






Michael Goldflam andAlexander S. McLeod of the Basov Infrared Laboratory, UC San Diego
Developers and builders of the cryogenic scanning near-field optical microscope

The system (pictured above) consists of a customized KS load lock cross and chamber, a WMG40 wobblestick with custom-made PGWMS pincer, a pair of MD linear/rotary feedthroughs equipped with eightfold RECOMSTACK sample storage stacks and the elementary RECOMEC13S receptacles and SHOMEC13 sample plates with electrical contacts.

In very limited space, the approach to the interchangeable probe and sample plates is only possible at a 47° angle, with the probe also tipping forward. A special pincer design accounts for these issues, making access to and exchange of the samples a smooth affair.

By simply twisting the wobblestick to one or the other side and back, the sample plate is held either straight for exchange with either storage stack or at an exact 47° for access to the microscope.





University of Zurich


Reference Project: MUST   Read more

MUST:: Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology

The mobile MUST surface science apparatus is a mobile system a UHV system with wide-angle photoelectron spectrometer (SPECS) and full sample preparation facilities (Ferrovac/UZH). It's designed for the study of molecular processes on surfaces and interfaces.

The system is operational at the Department of Physics of the Zurich University.

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UPMC - University Pierre et Marie Curie

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Reference Project: AERHA   Read more

AERHA :: Adjustable Energy Resolution High Acceptance spectrometer

AERHA was developed by the Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris and designed and built by Ferrovac. It's operational at the SEXTANTS beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL Paris.

Detailed information can be found here:
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 043108 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4871362

Sorin G. Chiuzbian, Coryn F. Hague, Antoine Avila, Renaud Delaunay, Nicolas Jaouen, Maurizio Sacchi, François Polack, Muriel Thomasset, Bruno Lagarde, Alessandro Nicolaou, Stefania Brignolo, Cédric Baumier, Jan Lüning, and Jean-Michel Mariot

Ferrovac would like to thank the authors for mentioning us in the acknowledgment.

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